Art Club
The objective of Exploring Arts Club is to provide an extracurricular activity for those students who enjoy and/or excel in the visual arts area. Activities include both individual and group projects that expand beyond the classroom. Students will explore a variety of materials and collaborate with their peers to enhance their skills and beautify the school and community.
* Please note that if you sign up for multiple trimesters, projects may be repeated.
Important information regarding participation in Exploring Arts Club is listed below:
1. We will meet at 2:15p.m. at Memorial in Ms. Johnson’s Room (Memorial Art Room), Room 32.
2. We will end each session at 3:10 p.m. when the late buses arrive. If a student is not taking the late bus, he or she must have a ride home at 3:10 p.m. Students are to wait for a ride home in front of the Memorial Cafe. If any student has permission to walk home, they MUST have a note signed by a parent/guardian stating the date(s) that their child can walk home.
3. Some club days may be a two-hour session, in which you will be notified in an email. If your student cannot stay for the whole two hours, they may still take the late bus home at 3:10.
Schedule: Time 2:15 – 3:10 pm – Tuesdays
First Meeting- TBD
Number of Sessions: 10 per trimester
Any questions feel free to contact at:
Mrs. Johnson
ext. 8232