BOOK FAIR IS COMING BOOK FAIR IS COMING! Show Transcript there is not enough hours in the day I've got so much to do I've got to order this I got to get ready for uh my my party uh why is why am I being filmed I don't know Mr Mass I you just called over so so here I am all right I've got things I got to go to do I've got to pick out my different colors I've got to organize 1 of 18 dinners I need to eat this week I have no idea what I'm what I'm doing Mr Masa you have a phone call the books there is on the phone for you book fair rep all right that was it that's why I called you Mr King book fair so the book fair is coming to canes and Memorial Hayes you're be up first the week of March 17th through the uh 21st we are going to have your book fair and then Memorial we're going to repeat it do it again the next week for Memorial the 24th through the 28th All right so all this stuff that you're used to with a book fair uh prizes games chances to win things and great books uh we will also have night events uh Hanes will be on the 209th and Memorial we're going to do you on the 26th I don't know why I'm laughing probably because I'm happy and I can hear music oh that's a good idea why don't we make the book fair theme musicals so add both hands and Memorial the book fair theme will be musicals well have a great day and I will see you soon