Welcome to 8-3 Language Arts

Welcome to Ms. Freidel's class.
I look forward to working with the 8-3 students and parents this year.
Please email me with any questions or concerns you have about 8-3 English Language Arts.
Please note that my last name does not follow the ei/ie rule. Make sure you type it correctly for email and Google Meet.
Get ready to have a fun year!
- Charged Chromebook
- A place for language arts such as a binder section, notebook, folder, or small binder; it's your choice. You just need a place to keep some paper notes and a place to write when we're not using Chromebooks.
- A composition notebook (or spiral) to use for notes and as a writers notebook.
- A pen, pencil, highlighter
- Earbuds or headphones that can be used with your Chromebook.
- Independent Reading book (starting late-September)
Welcome to 8th Grade: Orientation
Reading & Writing Connected Unit of Study: Deepening Comprehension & Literary Essay
Writing Unit of Study: Narrative Elements of Voice
Reading & Writing Connected Unit of Study:
Literature Circles- Topics of Social Injustice
Embedded in Every Unit:
- Reading of Informational Text
- Rules of Standard Written English
- Root Study
- Independent Reading
- Building Writing Stamina
The Achievement Grade
- Major Assessments: 50% (tests, projects, big writing assignments)
- Minor Assessments: 30% (in-class writing assignments/activities, shorter reading assessments, quizzes)
- Classwork: 20% (quick-checks, assessments that can fit onto an index card)
Note: All assessments and classwork need to be completed. A zero is not allowed.
The Accountability Grade
Independent Reading: 50% (written assignments and conferences, evidence of reading)
Preparation/Participation: 50% (timely completion of in-class and at-home assignments, participation in class, having needed materials)
Link for Back to School Night Slideshow: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rJG9PHGc_4MKCdF8VqGhKUwXBpV_0q3S1dWrkGS23fA/edit?usp=sharing