Interscholastic Sports Information
Please visit the Nurses' Page for physical forms and information
Nurse G email - [email protected]
Nurse Lipnitz (6th Grade) [email protected]
(Check with School Nurse NOW to find out if your child has a valid physical or when it needs to be updated - make your Doctor appointments in advance!!)
Physicals and Health History Updates DUE on: February 21st!
The "Spring Sports Interest Form"
Must be completed for your child to tryout or participate in a winter sport by February 21st.
Please review the "Quick Links to Play Spring Interscholastic Sports"
All forms must be completed by February 21st.
Track is open for 6th, 7th & 8th Grades
Softball, Girls Lacrosse and Baseball is only open to 7th and 8th Grades
Once your child has been accepted on the team, please remit payment
(** remember you have to sign in to see available options**)
Log into -
- Select your child
- Go to school store, Interscholastics
- Select sport
- Fill out information
- Click add to cart
- Go to cart and pay