Student Activities » Clubs » Club Welcome Trimester 3

Club Welcome Trimester 3

Please check this page to view the descriptions, dates, and advisor information before selecting any club or activity. (Listed to the right...)

All Activities are CO-ED and will require parent pick-up or a late bus pass. Some clubs will require additional money to participate in activities.

Please make sure to adhere to the below dates for registering, if we do not have enough students signed up in certain clubs, they will not run!
Trimester 3 Club sign ups will start on February 24th and close on MARCH 14th at 2 pm.
Trimester 3 Clubs will begin the week of MARCH 23rd ___________________________________________________
If the club you want is not listed on myschoolbucks, this means it is full and now closed.
Name of Club Grade Levels meeting days meeting place
Anime Club 7 & 8 Thursdays Medford Memoria School Room 10
Art Club 6, 7 & 8 Tuesdays Memorial Art Room
Beach and BBQ Games 6, 7 & 8 Thursdays Memorial Gym
Beyond the Brick 6, 7 & 8 Thursdays Memorial Media Center
Games-o-Strategy 6, 7 & 8 Wednesdays Haines
Ink-Credible 6, 7 & 8 Wednesdays Classroom @ Memorial
Let's Get Crafty 6, 7 & 8 Thursdays Haines
Marvel Club 6, 7 & 8 Thursdays MTA
Out and About 6 Tuesdays Various Locations
Out and About 7 & 8 Tuesdays Various Locations
Retro Ball Games Club 7 & 8 Wednesdays Memorial Room 44
Sending Hope 6th Grade 6 Thursdays LGI at Memorial
Sending Hope 7/8th grade 7 & 8 Thursdays LGI - Memorial
Teens and Tots 7 & 8 Wednesdays Room 19 and preschool classrooms
Volleyball 6, 7 & 8 Wednesdays Memorial Gym
Wiffle Ball Club 6, 7 & 8 Tuesdays Haines Gym
To register for a Club
  1. Select child
  2. Select club/activity
  3. Fill out grade
  4. Phone number
  5. Email
  6. Click add to cart
  7. To select another club/activity - click your browsers back arrow and make your next selection
  8. Click add to cart
  9. **Repeat until you have picked all the clubs/activities you want
  10. Go to cart and pay
**Once you register, your payment will be processed and your student is automatically enrolled. Please keep in mind that if you sign up for multiple activities, you WILL get into all of them and refunds are NOT available.**