Student Activities » Clubs » Ink-Credible






About the club:

Are you an artist, a known doodler, author, or someone interested in digital design? 

Do you have really great sketches that others wish they could draw?

Are you known for your sculptures, cartoons, or paintings?


“Ink-Credible” is looking for student artists, artwork, and those with a gift for digital tools (Google Slides) to create and organize images of all forms of art into a digital platform.  


Members will submit images of their work, encourage non-members to submit images and turn them into a digital platform for everyone to appreciate! 

Our goal is to publish an issue at the end of each Trimester session.


Visual art is a great way to bring joy and connect people.  Meeting time will be used to create content and insert/edit submitted work.  (See the links below for last year's issue)

Share your talent, and be part of something new and fantastic at the Haines-Memorial Campus!


Ms. Kelly

[email protected]

📌Meeting Dates Tri.#2📌
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
March 12th, 19th
*We will make up any days that may be cancelled.
How to Submit Work: 
1.  Email to Mrs. Kelly (Advisor)
2.  Put INK-CREDIBLE in the subject line
3.  Insert or Attach a picture or scan of your content 
4.  Write YOUR NAME OR "Anonymous" if you'd like to remain anonymous in the publication