Anime Club
Anime Club (Thursdays)– The purpose of this club is to encourage the study, discussion, and appreciation of Japanese visual culture including anime, manga, and related materials, and to increase awareness of these genres. Students will meet to experience anime and Japanese culture through varied mediums. Activities will include watching anime of a variety of popular genres, discussing manga, discussing anime tropes, staying current with anime news as well as new releases, play anime trivia, learn how to make origami, share anime art and participate in anime art tutorials. Students will also be given the opportunity to meet others who also share the same passion for anime and Japanese culture. In the 2024-2025 school year, the Anime Club will run in Trimesters 1, 2, and 3 and is open to students in grades 6 through 8. We will not meet on half days. If any meetings need to be canceled or rescheduled, I will let everyone know by e-mail and announcements as soon as possible. Students may take the late bus immediately after the club meeting or they may be picked up at Memorial between 3:05 and 3:15pm. Students must have a late bus pass to take the late bus home. Late bus passes can be purchased at the main offices of Haines or Memorial. For the first club meeting, Haines students will gather first at Haines and then be escorted to Memorial. Thereafter, Haines students are expected to come to Memorial for meetings on their own. Memorial students should report to Room 10 after dismissal on club dates. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Advisor - Ms. Santana 609-654-7707 ext. 8210