Student Activities » Clubs » Strategy Ball

Strategy Ball

Strategy Ball held on Wednesdays Trimester 3 in room 44 @Memorial
Strategy Ball (Wednesdays)- This club is for 7th & 8th graders only.
Strategy Ball is a fun and exciting way to meet up with classmates once a week after school and play different games played in the classroom involving a ball. Some of the games include: Beachball volleyball, Crab soccer, kickball, Gaga, Hot Potato Jam, Bocci ball, Stick ball (Homerun derby), Pin Distruction, Handball, Wall ball, and the classroom classic called Silent ball. Many other ball games involved, but each week we do a different game so each person can interact with different club members. This is a noncompetitive, nonathletic club geared specifically on having a fun time and gathering of friends and new ones to come.
Advisor - Mr. Tom Tursi
609-654-7707 ext. 8244